Trent N. Cash

Ph.D. Student at Carnegie Mellon University

Gifted Students' Academic, Social, and Emotional Outcomes

Collaborators: Tzu-Jung Lin; Eric Anderman; Saetbyul Kim; Xingfeiyue Liu; Wonjoon Cha; Hyun Ji Lee; Ziye Wen


Gifted students have unique academic, social, and emotional needs. These needs are typically addressed in the classroom through specialized gifted programs, such as cluster, pull-out, and self-contained classrooms. We have partnered with two large school districts - each of which offers two different gifted programs - to conduct an evaluation of how the various programs influence students' well-being. Through these partnerships, we seek to answer questions such as:
  1. Do different gifted programs have differential impacts on gifted students academic, social, or emotional outcomes?
  2. Do gifted students display better or worse outcomes than non-identified students? If so, is this relationship mediated by enrollment in a gifted program?
  3. Do gifted programs reduce the burden of the transition from elementary school to middle school for gifted students?
One study associated with this project was a longitudinal study for which data was collected between 2019-2022. Given the global circumstances of that time period, we will use this dataset to explore questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on gifted students such as:
  1. Were gifted students more resilient to the effects of the pandemic than non-identified students? 
  2. Did different gifted programs differentially moderate the effects of the pandemic on gifted students?
  3. Did the pandemic have larger effects on academic or social-emotional outcomes for gifted students?
This paper was awarded the Mensa Foundation's Award for Excellence in Research (2021-2022)


Lin, T.-J., Cash, T. N., Lee, H. J., Kim, S., Anderman, E. M., Cha, W., Liu, X., & Wen, Z. (2024, April). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on gifted and non-identified early adolescents’ academic and social-emotional development [Poster Session]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Kim, S., Cash, T. N., Lin, T.-J., & Anderman, E. (2023, August). A person-centered approach to understanding early adolescents' purpose in academic and civic realms [Poster Session]. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Kim, S., Cash, T. N., Lin, T.-J., & Anderman, E. (2022, August). The role of purpose in early adolescents’ achievement goals and academic cheating: A self-determination theory perspective [Poster Session]. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Tonissen, A., Cash, T. N., Lin, T.-J., & Anderman, E. (2021, April). Math anxiety and cheating in classrooms serving gifted and non-identified students: Expectancy and value mediations [Paper session]. Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Virtual.

Cash, T. N., Lin, T.-J., Tonissen, A., & Anderman, E. (2020, November). Psychological well-being of students in self-contained and cluster gifted programs [On-demand session]. 67th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Virtual.

Cash, T. N., & Lin, T.-J. (2019, November). Differential effects of two gifted programs on gifted students’ psychological well-being [Poster presentation]. 66th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Cash, T. N., & Lin, T.-J. (2019, April). Evaluating the social and emotional well-being of gifted students receiving different levels of gifted services [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ontario.


July 2022: Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grant, American Psychological Foundation, $49,985

May 2019: Undergraduate Research Scholarship, The Ohio State University, $5,000

February 2019: Small Research Grant, Department of Educational Studies at The Ohio State University, $1,000

December 2018: Academic Enrichment Grant, Undergraduate Student Government at The Ohio State University, $465

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